Buchanan Instrumental Music
Leadership Camp Trip Form
Wednesday-Friday, September 4-6, 2024
Dear Buchanan Instrumental Music Parents/Guardians,
Your student has been selected to attend the Buchanan Instrumental Music Leadership Camp, Wednesday-Friday, September 4-6, 2024! Here is an overview of our itinerary to the Sierra Outdoor School in Sonora:
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
7:30am Report to BHS
8:00am Depart for Sonora
11:30am Arrive/Camp activities begin.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
All Day: Camp activities.
Friday, September 6, 2024
12:30pm Depart for Clovis
2:45pm Lunch Stop ($)
4:30pm Arrive at Buchanan
5:30pm Football Game Report Time. All band leadership camp attendees must go to the Football Game.
The total field trip fee for the direct costs (transportation, festival fees, lodging, etc.) associated with this field trip is $325.00, which is due by Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Please complete and submit the trip form (link below) by Sunday, August 11, 2024 at 11:59pm. If you are unable to pay this fee in full or in part, please indicate that on the trip form. All trip fees will be invoiced via PayPal and emailed to the person listed on the trip form after this form's due date.
If we don’t receive your form by the due date/time, your student’s spot at camp will be given to a student on the waiting list.
If your student is unable to attend, please let us know right away so we can give the spot to a student on the waiting list.
The field trip fee will cover:
School bus transportation to and from camp.
All camp activities and instruction
Camp lodging.
All meals and snacks while at camp.
The students will need to pay for:
Fast food lunch on the way home ($10-$15)
Chaperones - We need four parent chaperones who are interested in joining us on this trip and being full participants in the camp experience. Please indicate your interest on the trip form. You’ll be glad you joined us!
This will be a life-changing experience for your student! We appreciate your support!
Respectfully yours,
John Lack
Director of Instrumental Music
Buchanan High School
559-327-3404 • JohnLack@cusd.com