Jacket Patches and Student Jacket Info
General Patch/Merchandise Info
Patches for your instrumental jacket are available at most competitions. Details on patches and merchandise are below:
Bands of America (BOA): patches/merchandise available at Regionals and at the BOA/MFA Online Store
SCC and SCCi: patches and t-shirts available at the recruitment booth near the top of the stadium
WGI: patches/merchandise available at Regionals and at the WGI Online Store
NCPA: patches, hoodies, and t-shirts typically available at competitions and at the NCPA Store
SJVCGPR: patches,hoodies, and t-shirts typically available at competitions
*WBA does NOT have any merchandise or patches available for non-championship competitions.
Bands of America
BOA Regional Patches are available at Regionals and the Online Store for $10. Participant and Finalist rocker patches will be distributed to students at the End of the Year Banquet.
Putting a BOA Logo Patch on the right arm is also recommended, as Buchanan is unique for being the only school in the Central Valley that regularly attends the Bands of America Regionals.
Sierra Cup Classic and Sierra Cup Classic Indoor
Patches are typically available at each year for both events. They can be purchased at the recruitment booth for ~$10.
*Please note: patch sizes and shapes have been different from year to year and are not consistently the same.
Winter Guard International (WGI)
WGI Regional Patches are available at Regionals and the Online Store for $10. Finalist rocker patches are also available to purchase.
*Please note: patch designs differ from year to year.
Patch Layout
Here is an example of how you can arrange your patches on your jacket:
BOA Logo Patch on the right arm (align top of BOA Logo Patch with the top of the bear paw on the opposite arm)
Any silver instrument patches can go under your graduation year on the left arm
Show patches in chronological order (left to right) under “Clovis California”
BOA Patches UNDERNEATH show patches
Order from top to bottom: Regional Patch, City Patches, Participant Patch, Finalist Patch
WGI, SCC, SJVCGPR, NCPA, and patches from other circuits can be added UNDERNEATH the BOA Patches
Collar (optional)
Pins can be attached to either the left or right collar
Other Notes/Recommendations
If you think you might move your patches around later, do NOT iron on your patches. The glue is very hard to remove and will damage the fabric if you try to remove it
If you would like to get your patches sewn on professionally, look for an alterations/tailor shop. Students in the past have gone to Sew-N-So Alterations, which have locations on Fowler & Herndon and Blackstone & Herndon
Sample Patch Arrangements
Senior Jacket 2024
**only class of 2025 seniors will have 3 BOA Regional patches, all other classes will be able to have 4
Junior Jacket 2024
Sophomore Jacket 2024
Freshman Jacket 2024