
 World’s Finest Chocolate Sale

The Buchanan and Alta Sierra Instrumental Music Programs are proud to announce that we will be selling delicious World’s Finest Chocolate $1 bars to help support our programs and activities. Each case of $1 bars is comprised of classic favorites: (18) Caramel Bars; (18) Almond Bars; (6) Crisp Bars; (6) Premium Milk Chocolate Bars; (6) Dark Chocolate Bars; and (6) Wafer Bars.  

The sale will run through Friday, February 21, 2020. While the students are highly encouraged to participating, this fundraiser is optional.

Pay for your chocolate box

Student's Name (First & Last)

How will this support my student?

  • First, chocolate sold by orchestra will support orchestra, and chocolate sold by band will support band, etc.

  • Funds generated by the sale will go towards the purchase of sheet music, covering the cost of walk-on coaches, instrument repair, maintenance and replacement, and to offset travel costs.

Top seller Prizes!

  • We will have a $100 Visa Gift Card drawing for all students selling 2 or more cases.

  • We will also award a $100 Visa Gift Card to the top seller!  

    • 2 way tie = $50 gift card for each winner.

    • 4 way tie = $25 gift card for each winner, etc.

  • There will also be a competition between all of our classes with the ensemble with the highest average amount of boxes sold per person will win a class pizza party! The classes are:

    • Buchanan: Chamber Orchestra, Colorguard, Percussion, String Orchestra, Symphonic Band, Wind Symphony

    • Alta Sierra: 7th Grade Orchestra, 8th Grade Orchestra, Colorguard, Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Percussion, Symphonic Band

Selling Guidelines & Recommendations

  • We recommend selling to friends, relatives, close neighbors, work associates, etc.

  • You may not sell on campus during school hours.

  • You may only check out one box at a time. Once you’ve sold that entire box and turned in $60.00, you can check out another. If you would like additional boxes, you may also prepay for as many entire boxes as you’d like ($60 each).

  • Boxes of chocolate can be checked out from either the ASI Bandroom or the BHS Bandroom.

  • Do not leave money inside the chocolate box. You are responsible for stolen money.

  • Do not leave your chocolate box unattended or store it in direct sunlight. You are responsible for stolen or melted chocolate!

  • Students checking out a case of chocolate will be responsible for selling all chocolate bars and turning in $60.00 by the due date. Once a case is checked out, unsold chocolate may not be returned.

Instructions For turning in money

  • The sale will run through Friday, February 21, 2020. All money is due by this date.

  • Please turn money in to the director of your ensemble.

  • Any checks should be made payable to: Buchanan Foundation.  

  • Please count your money carefully before turning it in.

  • It is very important to write the student’s name on the envelope when turning in money.

  • Please DO NOT turn in coins. Bills or checks only.

Parent Permission

Students must have parent/guardian permission to sell chocolate and are responsible for the chocolate checked out to them. Parents/Guardians: Please complete this form to grant permission for your student to sell.

If you have any questions, please email us at or