Tyler Yang • Junior • Cello
As I'm writing this, currently in my suitcase is a bag of dirty clothes, an opened bag of jalapeño chips, and an assortment of stolen hotel toiletries. I can only close this thing by sitting on it and trying to zip it with all my force. But with that aside, looking at the rest of my hotel room -- or what is left of it, gives me time to reminisce over the last few days.
As I try to piece the last few days inside of my fancy-jail cell condemned with the likes of Nevin, Luke, and Skye, my mind automatically darts to the bothersome things they all did -- like how Luke decided to make instant noodles at 1 AM causing the whole room to be gas-chambered in the tangy, yet sweet smell of seasoning powder, Skye constantly leaving the shower door open inevitably letting the next person who uses it (which was usually me) getting a shock from the boom of the glass hitting the door, and Nevin -- well there wasn't really anything wrong with Nevin.
Now, in all honesty, I'm no saint, I also had my fair share of oopsies and annoying stuff, but returning home seemed to be the most appealing choice in my eyes. Yet, all of the "bad" stuff only supplemented the good stuff -- late-night conversations where we would be so delirious we would just be laughing, or the fun trips around downtown Indy just having fun.
I would want to type a storm about every little thing that everyone (Luke) did that annoyed me, yet I couldn't. All of my friends are my family, and family sticks together no matter what. And, these annoyances are just funny stories to remember back on in the future. I wouldn't trade it for a thing.
Letting this trip fly by and not realizing all the fun I had would leave a sour taste in my mouth.
After all, the only thing I thought I wanted to say was "thank god this is over" -- but, nearing the last hours of my stay, all I wanted was for it to last a little longer. From almost losing my voice in the cramped, sweaty karaoke box to the frantic sprints to the hotel to make it in time for the next event, it was all worth it. Albeit, it should be since the price tag on this thing was not cheap; But, it really was. The flight, the laughs, the food, the friends, the fun of it all, something truly unforgettable.
There were times I did miss home though, it's hard not to be while being 2000+ miles away from home, but being surrounded by everyone I loved, my homesickness was swept away because wherever my "string squad" is, is where home is.
I love you all and thank you for being with me on this journey. Thank you, Mr. Lack.