Video Recording Instuctions
Please record your video in landscape view (not portrait).
Make sure we can see you and your instrument.
Band: You, the instrument, and both hands (or trombone slide).
Orchestra: Your left hand (fingerboard), and your right hand (bow grip).
Practice with a metronome and stay in time through the entire excerpt.
Make sure you play the correct tempo as marked in the music.
Review the assignment to determine if it's okay to record with the metronome on.
If possible, record in a carpeted room with more surfaces to absorb sound (like curtains).
If necessary, trim the video to eliminate deadspace. However, leave a few seconds before and after you play so your performance isn’t clipped.
LISTEN to your recording all the way through BEFORE submitting to make sure it sounds the way you want it to. Only submit the best representation of your playing!
Do everything possible to be impressive, including your tone quality, accuracy, posture, and any other aspect of great musicians.
Assume this (and future) recordings will be considered when placing you in an ensemble!
Grading Scale
This grading scale will apply to most (not all) video assignment submissions.
Turned in After Due Date
45-50% - Perfect or nearly perfect
40-44% - 1 or 2 minor issues
30-39% - 2 to 3 noticeable issues
20-29% - Several Issues affect the quality of the performance.
10-19% - Significant Issues affect the quality of the performance.
0-9% - Very Poor Performance/Unrecognizable
Turned in On Time:
95-100% - Perfect or nearly perfect
90-94% - 1 or 2 minor issues
80-89% - 2 to 3 noticeable issues
70-79% - Several Issues affect the quality of the performance.
60-69% - Significant Issues affect the quality of the performance.
50-59% - Very Poor Performance/Unrecognizable
Not Turned In
0 - Not Turned In/Missing