30,000 and Forever

By Jaidyn Smoak • Junior • Viola

Today was my first ever time on an airplane, and my first time leaving the state of California. I went in so excited, and the fact that I got to have this experience with my friends made it a million times better. Before we got on the plane, we were playing a team game called “space team”, and it was more like all of us yelling at each other to get our tasks done. 

The initial take-off was crazy because it was so fast, but I honestly found it really fun. Although I was a little anxious at the start of the day, having my orchestra there with me really made me feel much more comfortable. When we landed in Denver, we got to see the Denver airport and it was huge! It had the walking treadmill things where we got to walk super fast and it had a bunch of stores inside! 

Overall my flight to Indianapolis was extremely positive and has made me extremely excited for future travel experiences.