Buchanan Educational Center
Instrumental Music Department

Disneyland Trip Logo 400.jpeg


Last Update: 2/14/24 • 8:30pm

General Details

Disneyland: 1313 Disneyland Dr, Anaheim, CA 92802 (Map Below)
Emergency Contact: John Lack, Director, 509-389-0467
BAND App Link: https://band.us/n/a0a60dOcMea2y
Disneyland Group & Bus Assignments: On the BAND App

Packing List

  • Additional $$ for lunch & dinner. A $15 meal card is provided and should cover one meal. Bring at least $15-$20. More if you want to buy souvenirs.

  • Bring a sack breakfast to eat just before we arrive at Disneyland. You can pack snacks to take into the park, too!

  • Comfortable, dress code-approved clothing for the entire day. Plan for all temperatures!

  • A hoodie or light jacket for when it is cooler in the morning or evening.

  • Comfortable shoes! Flip-flops are okay - but it’s a long day on your feet! Plan accordingly.

  • Sunscreen, sunglasses, and maybe even a hat.

  • Pillow and/or small blanket for the bus ride.

Itinerary - Sunday, June 9, 2024

2:00am  Report to the BHS Bandroom. Check-in on an iPad.
2:15am  Load Buses. Boys will be dismissed first and must fill the back of the bus.
2:30am  Depart for Anaheim, California & Disneyland
(One Stop @ Laval Rd - Restroom only - no buying food or snacks!)
7:15am  Arrive at Disneyland!

  • Find your assigned chaperone. Your chaperone will distribute your tickets and dining cards.

  • ASI Groups will ride the bus/walk together to the main gate with your group and your chaperone.

  • BHS Groups may ride the bus/walk together to the main gate with your group, but do not need to go with their chaperone.

  • You must stay inside Disneyland Park until 9:45pm (end of fireworks). No exceptions.

  • Lunch and Dinner are on your own. Make sure you use your Disney Dining Card first, then pay for your meals with your own money.

  • Every group will check in every two hours.

  • You can leave things on the bus (pillow, blanket, etc).

8:00am Disneyland Opens. Group Check-In: Take a group photo and post it to your group’s chat on the BAND App.
10:00am Group Check-In: Take a group photo and post it to your group’s chat on the BAND App.
12:00pm Group Check-In: Take a group photo and post it to your group’s chat on the BAND App.
2:00pm  Everyone: Group Picture and Check-in in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. Don’t be late!
4:00pm Group Check-In: Take a group photo and post it to your group’s chat on the BAND App.
6:00pm Group Check-In: Take a group photo and post it to your group’s chat on the BAND App.
8:00pm Group Check-In: Take a group photo and post it to your group’s chat on the BAND App.
9:30pm  Disneyland Fireworks Show. Watch from Main Street. Head to the main entrance immediately after the fireworks. If you aren’t near Main Street when the fireworks start, start walking!
9:45pm  Meet our group just outside the gate and to the left between Disneyland & California Adventure.

  • Your WHOLE group checks in with Mr. Lack

  • ASI Students: Go with your chaperone back to the bus.

  • BHS Students: You can go back to the buses with your group once you have checked in.

10:00pm  Take the tram to the buses. ASI Students must remain with their chaperone.
10:45pm  Depart for Clovis (One restroom stop @ Laval Rd)
3:15am  Arrive at Buchanan H.S.


